We have excuses for everything, don't we? As one of my fellow pastor's, Jason Hirsch used to say all the time. "Excuses are like rear ends. Everyone has them and they all stink."
The problem is I like to use them. They get me out of things...like taking out the trash, finishing the painting in Brianna's room, cleaning out my garage, and so many other things on the to do list. Well, maybe they really don't work after all. Janet (my wife) is really good at sniffing out lame excuses and calling me on them. I admire her drive and self-discipline.
Some of the top excuses I have used in the past in no particular order:
1. I can't go into full-time ministry, I would have to preach, and I am so afraid to speak in public.
2. I can't spend time with God today. I have way too much things to get done and not enough time.
3. I am not going to finish that now honey, i will do it later, I am way too tired. (This never works, I don't even know why I try to use it anymore.)
4. I am not going to work out today, I am too tired/lazy/sick/busy/etc.
By the way, check out David in the picture above, he has got some serious stinkin' guns!
My greatest passion in life is give my life away in such a way that I bring LIFE to everyone I come in contact with. If I were to choose my epitaph, I would want it to say, "His Life Gave Us Life" With this in mind, I truly believe that God has called me to train and mentor this next generation of pastors and specifically youth pastors, kinda like a Samuel to the David's of this next generation. I see my God-given calling is to see potential in others (maybe even potential that most others do not even see) and call it out and annoint them for their God-given position and calling.
I have had so many amazing mentors that have poured their guts into me and believed in me. People like, my mom and dad, my youth pastor,Barry Phipps, Darin Poli, Nate Ruch, Jeanne Mayo, Dan Hunter (former yp of Seven Student Ministries), Art VanZanten (my bro in-law), Sam Farina, and many many others.
With all that they have poured into me, I have felt a strong passion and calling to pour into others and speak life over them like so many have done for me. However, MY EXCUSE FOR FAR TOO LONG has been:
5. I can't mentor other youth pastors. I am young. I have nothing to offer. I am just a nobody from a small town and small church. Why would anyone want to listen to me? I don't think people would want to learn from me. What if they think I am some "cocky" pastor who thinks he knows it all? I need to get a few more years of proven ministry under my belt.
I now realize, but wish I would have realized sooner, that not only is this a God-given passion, but a God-given mandate to all Christians. I cannot afford to wait until I know more, am smarter and more wise. I am called and I must puh past all my fears and excuses and step up to the plate and go to bat. Future ministers are waiting and may just be waiting out in the fields watching the sheep. Current youth pastors may need a dose of hope and vision, because they have been wandering in the dessert and are not seeing their God-given dreams fulfilled and maybe even are having spears thrown at them. Whatever the story may be, I know my excuse for far too long have been lame and pathetic. I know that it is time for me to rise up and mentor the next generation. I know that it has been so many other's excuse for far too long as well and it is time for this generation of pastors and lay people to rise up and call out, annoint, and inspire the next generation of ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
How about you? Will you lay aside all excuses and step up to this high calling, to be a Samuel to the Davids?
Romans 15:1-6
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Don't Mess!!!
And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God's chosen? Who would dare to EVEN POINT A FINGER? The one who died for us - who was raised to life for us! - is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ's love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture...
None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I'm absolutely convinced that nothing - NOTHING living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us. -Romans 8:33-39 (MSG)
Thanks you Jesus for loving me this much! I can walk in confidence that nothing will get between me and Your incredible, overwhelming love! So don't mess!!!
My encouragement is to walk confidently in this same grace and love today in your own life.
For more on grace and God's love check out Judah Smith's (one of my youth pastor heros) website on grace: www.triumphofgrace.com
None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I'm absolutely convinced that nothing - NOTHING living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us. -Romans 8:33-39 (MSG)
Thanks you Jesus for loving me this much! I can walk in confidence that nothing will get between me and Your incredible, overwhelming love! So don't mess!!!
My encouragement is to walk confidently in this same grace and love today in your own life.
For more on grace and God's love check out Judah Smith's (one of my youth pastor heros) website on grace: www.triumphofgrace.com
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I Will Go
One of my new favorite songs of all-time is Desperation Band's, "I Will Go". It brings memories of my very first missions trip to Panama flooding back to my brain and my heart. Memories of passing out thousands of copies of the Book of Hope in the public schools, and memories of God imprinting my heart with a passion for missions and the lost! (these are the photos from that trip to Panama- don't laugh too hard!)
It brings memories and emotions of those moments around the altars at North Central University in Minneapolis, MN where I wason my knees crying out to God that I would go wherever He wanted to send me. I remember Him distinctly speaking to my heart that He was calling me to youth ministry and that "out of my youth ministry He would call out missionaries".
And this song brings me to my knees again today as I listen to it on my iTunes as I work in my office on our 2009 missions trips. I have HUGE dreams to bring 150+ of our students with us on local and foreign missions trips this year alone! I simply cry out, "Here I am God! Send me!" I simply want to be used by Him and I truly want to live with passion and reckless abondon to give students every opportunity to GO and every opportunity to hear God's call for their life, and every opportunity to LIVE mission. Check out the song on youtube. It may just become your life song...
It brings memories and emotions of those moments around the altars at North Central University in Minneapolis, MN where I wason my knees crying out to God that I would go wherever He wanted to send me. I remember Him distinctly speaking to my heart that He was calling me to youth ministry and that "out of my youth ministry He would call out missionaries".
And this song brings me to my knees again today as I listen to it on my iTunes as I work in my office on our 2009 missions trips. I have HUGE dreams to bring 150+ of our students with us on local and foreign missions trips this year alone! I simply cry out, "Here I am God! Send me!" I simply want to be used by Him and I truly want to live with passion and reckless abondon to give students every opportunity to GO and every opportunity to hear God's call for their life, and every opportunity to LIVE mission. Check out the song on youtube. It may just become your life song...
LYRICS (a few lines)
"I Will Go"
Desperation Band
You’re calling out, “who will go?”
I will go. I will live the life. I’ll give it all for Jesus Christ.
I’ll tell the world that You are God.
I will go. Hear my battle cry. Give me wings so I can fly
and tell the world that You are God.
Here am I, here am I, I will give all that is mine.
Here am I, here am I, Jesus come and spend my life.
I will go. I will live the life.
I’ll give it all for Jesus Christ. I’ll tell the world that You are God.
I will go. Hear my battle cry.
Give me wings so I can fly and tell the world that You are God
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Family Traditions
I am realizing now more than ever just how amazing and wonderful family traditions are.
Some of my favorites from the Brown fam are, fondue every new year (or whenever we can fit it in around all of our busy holiday schedule now that we are older). The Brown bro's re-enactment of the Christmas story (with Dan as Mary:-), Matt as Joeseph and Tim as the baby Jesus, and me as the narrator). Or, going to Grandma and Grandpa Brown's house in Evansville, MN every thanksgiving with all the aunts, uncles, and cousins packed into their small kitchen and fighting for grandma Brown's famous fruit salad and amazing mashed potatoes and gravy! And hopefully our new family tradition from this year was my all-time favorite cornhole tourney. Yes...I am the undefeated champion from our weekend together at the cabin!
With all these traditions and memories in my heart from growing up until now, I am now wondering what traditions we will start as a family. Not just for the holidays, but all throughout the year and while Brianna is growing up and Brown baby #2 (still not sure, but hopefully we will find out tomorrow). What will they remember when they are my age? What will be most near and dear to their hearts? What will they want to pass on to their families?
I want to be the best dad possible and I want to be creative and I want to be a family that has fun and celebrates together! I want to put more time and creativity and efforts into my family and Janet and Bri than I do into my ministry! I want to be the kind of dad that spends TIME with my kids that they will forever remember and never want to stop the "tradition". I want to create moments and life change in my marriage. I want Janet to feel more valued than I am currently showing. I want her to feel like she get s the best of me and not the leftovers. I want Brianna to see her daddy as her #1 fan and cheerleader. I want her to know that she comes as my first ministry and not as sloppy seconds.
With this in mind I think traditions are a key part of that and I need help. I heard some pretty creative and simple ideas today at lunch with our staff, but I would love to hear other ideas and traditions for making memories as a dad and husband. What are some traditions that you did growing up? What are your most memorable and special? Which ones had the most impact?
I just simply want to be the BEST dad and husband that I can be.
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