Thursday, December 4, 2008

I Will Go

One of my new favorite songs of all-time is Desperation Band's, "I Will Go". It brings memories of my very first missions trip to Panama flooding back to my brain and my heart. Memories of passing out thousands of copies of the Book of Hope in the public schools, and memories of God imprinting my heart with a passion for missions and the lost! (these are the photos from that trip to Panama- don't laugh too hard!)

It brings memories and emotions of those moments around the altars at North Central University in Minneapolis, MN where I wason my knees crying out to God that I would go wherever He wanted to send me. I remember Him distinctly speaking to my heart that He was calling me to youth ministry and that "out of my youth ministry He would call out missionaries".

And this song brings me to my knees again today as I listen to it on my iTunes as I work in my office on our 2009 missions trips. I have HUGE dreams to bring 150+ of our students with us on local and foreign missions trips this year alone! I simply cry out, "Here I am God! Send me!" I simply want to be used by Him and I truly want to live with passion and reckless abondon to give students every opportunity to GO and every opportunity to hear God's call for their life, and every opportunity to LIVE mission. Check out the song on youtube. It may just become your life song...

LYRICS (a few lines)
"I Will Go"
Desperation Band

You’re calling out, “who will go?”

I will go. I will live the life. I’ll give it all for Jesus Christ.
I’ll tell the world that You are God.
I will go. Hear my battle cry. Give me wings so I can fly
and tell the world that You are God.

Here am I, here am I, I will give all that is mine.
Here am I, here am I, Jesus come and spend my life.

I will go. I will live the life.
I’ll give it all for Jesus Christ. I’ll tell the world that You are God.
I will go. Hear my battle cry.
Give me wings so I can fly and tell the world that You are God

1 comment:

Matt Brown said...

Love it, my heart cries out with yours - send us Lord!