Friday, April 18, 2008


The greatest album ever is playing in my itunes playlist right now. The funny thing is that it is labeled as an experiment. While the team from United was out traveling the world for their "I Heart Revolution" tour, a few high school kids from Hillsong got together to put together my fav of all the Hillsong United cd's! I absolutely cannot get enough of this amazing cd. It blows my mind that these high school kids can write and play like this!

One of the choruses from this experiment says, "I can't imagine life without you". When I think about that phrase, it makes my mind spin just thinking about life without God!

My life without Him? Well, I would probably be still single, living a lifestyle of destructive choices, and have no purpose whatsoever. You see, I can be pretty selfish without Christ! Even with Him, I need constant reminders to "kill my flesh". I can be pretty stubborn, I can be undisciplined, I can be lazy, I can be selfish, I can be mean and angry, and I can be hurtful to those I love most. Did I mention selfish?

I really truly cannot imagine life without Christ, and yet some days my busy-ness can crowd Him out. This 30 day EXPERIMENT that we are doing to go along with our PLANTED series has been an incredible reminder of how much I need Him and how much I love to just spend time with Him. Those words have not only become the words to my favorite song, but the words I choose to live my life by.

Can YOU imagine life without Him? What would YOUR life look like? What was it like before Him? What areas of your life are you leaving Him out of right now?

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